Metallic Marmorino


This is a variation of Marmorino Veneziano Classic. The metallic effect is obtained by the addition of a large quantity of fine varicolored metallic powder instead of the usual marble powder. This finish has a soft-looking effect which changes depending on the refraction of light against the surface and your point of reference.

The product base is white and is standard tinted in three colors: Gold, Silver (almost white) and Copper, but the color can be changed slightly with addition of small amounts of dye color. It is only for use on interior surfaces.

Metallic Marmorino" is the most recent decorating product composed of micro-filtered aged slacked lime putty carefully mixed with a series of prestigious shot-powders- mica powder- with silver, golden and bronze effect.

The care of mixing these powders produces a stucco paste ready to use able to satisfy many kinds of finishing needs due to the many methods of application.

This product, of a superior fineness, is aimed to prestigious indoor decorations and the main characteristic is the reflection in its satin half-bright finishing. The application of more fine coats is possible on many different kinds of surfaces, after an appropriate under-coat smoothed with the stainless steel spatula.

After spreading, the brightness will be obtained with the stainless steel trowel so that the shot reflections will brightly appear on the finished surface.

Final protection can be done with waterproofer products ( our Hydrocalce) or with a treatment of soap or bee'wax. The bee's wax, increasing the shining of the surface, riduces, because of the contrast, the shyne effect of the metallic powder.

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